Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bloggerhaul Redux

I realized last week that my blog was lacking something, something rather important.....posts! Prior to now I had been using solely to provide links to the articles I have written for, and I had no place designated for personal or professional discourse. Which is rather counterintuitive, I think. So, has undergone yet another blogggerhaul.

You will notice a near identical aesthetic to the of yesterview, but minus the long list of links. Which have been moved to a new blog of residence: But don't go altering your bookmarks just yet--you can access the article listing blog by simply clicking the link to the right.

As for content, I intend to fill this blog with detailed recounts of my misadventures in entertainment journalism, personal updates, pictures, and perhaps an occasional rant. My first post of which will follow shortly, which will recap my experiences covering last week's Anime Expo 2008 in Los Angeles. Soon thereafter I intend on posting a recap of next week's E3 Media and Business Summit at the L.A. Convention Center which I will be covering for IGN Gear.

Until then,

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